

fitness 24 hours的相關標籤

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This is for anyone who is unable to go running or gymming nowadays due to #Covid19 and not sure how to exercise at home effectively. What I’m doing here is #HIIT (high intensity interval training). - Jump x1 - Bicycle Pumps x5 - Push-Up x1 - Lunges x5 Do continuously for 1 minute, rest 20-30 seconds (based on your fitness level) and repeat it 10 times. I guarantee you’d be perspiring and panting like mad by the end of it 😉 Doing just 10 minutes of HIIT burns more calories & fat than running 30mins on a threadmill and my favourite thing about it is I continue to burn calories & fat even after I’m done with training. This is because HIIT stimulates our body’s production of the human growth hormone by up to 450 percent (HGH also slows down our aging process!) and as a result, our metabolic rate stays higher for up to 24 hours after training is done. If anyone out there is looking to burn belly fat and get your six pack, I highly recommend doing HIIT. Do remember to couple your training with a healthy and clean diet. Training is really just 10% of the journey to a trim & fit body 💪🏻🥑🥩🌽🍠🍳🍖

This is for anyone who is unable to go running or ...